The code of ethics


  • Rogelio Florez Franco Universidad Nacional del Altiplano, Puno-Peru



The Editorial Committee of the "Semestre Economico" Journal of the "Universidad Nacional del Altiplano" of "Puno (UNAP) Peru", on the occasion of having celebrated 59 years of institutional operation of the "Facultad de Ingeniería Económica (August 17, 2023)", considers it appropriate to publish the speech of order issued by Dr. Rogelio Olegario Florez Franco, former academic Vice-Rector of UNA Puno. Dr. Florez, due to unexpected issues in life, was in very delicate health and is still in the process of recovery, has delivered a speech different from the traditional, with a philosophical and human perspective, thought from the perspective of the difficult moments that he had to live The philosophical look starts with an objective view of the real world and human behavior so that these principles and assumptions could have their real application to improve the mental health of those of us who are part of sustainable human development. The editorial committee of the Semestre Económico Magazine considers that the speech is a topic of interest and current affairs, delivered at the 59th anniversary ceremony of the creation of the Faculty of Economic Engineering, held on August 17, 2023 in the Auditorium Magnificent of the university city. Therefore, the issue of the Code of Ethics that can be practiced in its academic and scientific integrity is a permanent and necessary task for all university actors at UNA Puno. For the above, reproduced the most important phrases pronounced in their original format.


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Comte-Sponville, André (2002) Invitación a la filosofía. Ediciones Paidós Ibérica. Barcelona. Página 23

Universidad de Lima (2015) El Código de Ética. disponible en: ulima_codigo_de_etica.pdf.

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El valor de la Responsabilidad, Honestidad y Estudio Arduo - YouTube

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Un simple acto de caridad crea una espiral sin fin - YouTube

En el camino aprendí - De Dhiaga Cosaint - Voz: Ricardo Vonte - YouTube



How to Cite

Florez Franco, R. (2023). The code of ethics. Semestre Económico, 12(2), 1–4.