Effects of credit diversification on portfolio quality in the financial system of the department of Puno 2012 I - 2017 II





credit diversification, geographic diversification, portfolio quality, late payment


The work is motivated to empirically study the relationship of credit diversification in the territorial scope and the quality of the portfolio of the financial system of the department of Puno, for this, information is used on the placement of loans in different provinces of the department of Puno and the rates of delinquency of the different financial subsystems (Multiple Banking, Financial Companies, Municipal Banks, Rural Banks and Edpymes) that make up the financial system, information is taken from the period 2012 to 2017. To show the level of diversification, the Herfindahl Index is used and Hirschman (IHH), an index that is built through the credits placed in the different provinces of the department of Puno. The data used are of the panel type (panel data) and the methodology corresponding to that of unobservable heterogeneity (random effects). The results show that there are different levels of diversification between each subsystem, with the multiple banking subsystem being the least diversified subsystem with a mean IHH of 0.341 and the most diversified subsystems falling to municipal savings banks and rural banks with an average IHH of 0.162 and 0.146 respectively, also, geographically, we find that diversification below the graphical level has a positive impact on the quality of the financial system’s portfolio, as suggested by the classical theory of diversification.


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How to Cite

Zamata, W.-E. (2021). Effects of credit diversification on portfolio quality in the financial system of the department of Puno 2012 I - 2017 II. Semestre Económico, 10(2), 50–58. https://doi.org/10.26867/se.2021.v10i2.119



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