Economic valuation of the ecosystem services of the Interior Bay of Puno, 2020




contingent valuation, inner bay of Puno, Lake Titicaca, logit, willingness to pay


The objective was to estimate the economic value that visitors give for enjoying and conserving the ecosystem services of the interior bay of Puno, Lake Titicaca. The quantitative approach was applied, through the contingent valuation method, the model "Difference in the indirect utility function" was developed with a logit probability function to estimate the economic value of the visitors, the survey format was the dichotomous double limit. The study population was the annual average of visitors to the island of Uros, 1998-2019, the sample is 384 observations divided into four subsamples, with a 5% margin of error. The economic value of the annual average of the total number of visitors to conserve and enjoy the ecosystem services of the inner bay of Puno is on average S/ 909,479.34. The ecosystem services offered by the interior bay of Puno, Lake Titicaca are: fresh water supply services to the city of Puno and surroundings, genetic resources, food through artisanal fishing and subsistence hunting, ports and transportation; cultural: religious spiritual value, recreation, ecotourism and scientific knowledge; climatic regulation: five microclimates in Puno; support: nutrient cycling. The estimated value of the willingness to pay of visitors to enjoy and conserve the ecosystem services of the inner bay of Puno is S/ 15.18, the significant variables are: initial price, gender and if the person had knowledge about the inner bay of Puno.


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How to Cite

Quispe-Charca, A. A. (2022). Economic valuation of the ecosystem services of the Interior Bay of Puno, 2020. Semestre Económico, 11(2), 35–48.



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