Spanish economic recovery supported by European Green Deal? Evaluation of green jobs and their capabilities
Evaluation of green jobs and their capabilities
Public Economics, Labor Economic Policies, European Green Deal, recovery plan, green jobs, skills, Wellbeing EconomicsAbstract
Evaluation of the impact on the Spanish economic recovery of economic and labor policies within the framework of the European Green Deal. The opportunity for green jobs for Europe is analyzed comparatively, then focusing on the Spanish case. Attention is focused on the effects on the design of new green jobs and the skills necessary to develop the type of new positions generated, with greater personal wellbeing at work. The theoretical and methodological frameworks of heterodox approaches have been handled, especially from the Austrian Economics and Cultural Economics, illustrating with secondary sources.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Francisco Javier Sastre Segovia, Martín García Vaquero, Antonio Sánchez Bayón, Anika Mazier
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