Measuring the technical efficiency of the Professional Schools of the Universidad Nacional del Altiplano: An application of DEA




data envelopment analysis, technical efficiency, input, output, returns to scale, truncated regression Tobit


The study aims to determine the level of technical efficiency of public resources in the UNA period 2014-2018, an analysis is carried out in two stages on a total of 350 observations, corresponding to professional schools. In the first stage, the level of technical efficiency of each professional school is evaluated, using the non-parametric methodology Data Envelope Analysis (DEA-CRS input, DEA-CRS output, DEA-VRS input, DEA-VRS output) initially proposed by Charnes et al. (1978). On the other hand, in the second stage, the determinants of efficiency are analyzed through a truncated Tobit regression analysis. The main results show that the average degree of inefficiency measures 0.65; however, some professional schools register technical efficiency during a given period, which are: Dentistry, nursing, accounting sciences, secondary education, physical education, primary education, initial education, social work, sociology, anthropology, art and mathematical physical sciences. Therefore, for the most part, engineering and biomedical professional schools are inefficient. Inefficiency is determined by the number of classrooms, laboratories, libraries, number of students enrolled, ratio number of students per teacher, number of teachers, number of teachers appointed, ratio of male teachers to female teachers and the number of administrative staff. The named human resource teacher and the number of students per teacher are positively related to efficiency at the 1% level of significance.


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How to Cite

Arce Coaquira, R. R. (2020). Measuring the technical efficiency of the Professional Schools of the Universidad Nacional del Altiplano: An application of DEA. Semestre Económico, 9(2), 45–57.



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