Analysis of the factors that influence in the demand for higher university education in the province of Cusco - Peru, 2020




human capital, logit model, demand for higher university education, educational choice


This article presents an analysis of the factors that determine the demand for Higher University Education in the province of Cusco in the year 2020; making a microeconomic analysis about what factors influence the probability that a graduate of secondary education continues with university studies, contains a theoretical framework in relation to the Theory of Human Capital. The analysis of the educational choice will be carried out with the logit model, taking into account the relevant elements present in the texts about the theme such as: individual and school factors. Through the use of information from surveys regarding the educational choice after completing secondary school, carried out on graduates of secondary studies (cross-sectional information). The results of the estimation by maximum likelihood obtained from logit model indicate: that the individual factors, the variables life aspirations of the students, monthly family income, occupation of the head of household, age and level of education of the mother influence significantly in the demand for Higher University Education and that of the school factors, the variables perception of the usefulness of secondary studies and type of management of the secondary level educational institution are those that significantly influence the demand for Higher Education in the province of Cusco for the year 2020.


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How to Cite

Vera-Torres, G., & Vargas-Salinas, R. F. (2022). Analysis of the factors that influence in the demand for higher university education in the province of Cusco - Peru, 2020. Semestre Económico, 11(1), 4–17.



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