International trade competitiveness indicators of asparagus to export to USA during 2015 – 2020 period
competitiveness, reveled comparative advantage, Balassa index, export relative advantage indexAbstract
The present research is about the international trade competitiveness indicators of Asparagus to export to USA, during the period 2015-2020. Mexico is placed on the third place of producers of Asparagus, and the main importer of the product is USA, mainly from Mexico. For this reason, was that here the objective was to calculate three indexes: revealed comparative advantage index, Balassa index and export relative andvantage index. These indexes measure the international commerce dynamism. As methodology was used a mix approach quantitative and qualitative. There was divided by two phases, one about documental information and other about the indexes calculus. The results showed that Mexico do not have reveled comparative advantage in Asparagus, because the result was negative, Mexico has competitiveness with USA, because the Balassa index was positive. However, the export relative advantage index was low. Concluding that, Mexico was not competitive in the world with the exports of Asparagus but it was competitive in the region with USA. It was recommended to promote the consumption of Asparagus, so increasing the demand will increase the supply, getting more competitiveness from Mexico to the world.
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Copyright (c) 2021 María-Eugenia Estrada, María del Carmen Arrieta
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