Capital-based macroeconomics: his main contributions, extensions and developments




capital-based macroeconomics, austrian macroeconomics, austrian school of economics


Research of Economic Theory, Macroeconomics and Political Economy focused on the Austrian macroeconomic approach whose main objective is to serve as a guide for future research that intends to use Garrison's diagrammatic framework in their studies. Attention is focused on the problem that the simplicity of Garrison's original model collected in his Time and Money: The Macroeconomics of Capital Structure (2001) poses when carrying out academic research on its basis. In this sense, the present paper focuses on collecting, explaining and expanding the different extensions and developments that various authors have been making to the model in the last two decades with the aim of presenting a more complete and better prepared model to deal with academic research in macroeconomics.


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Author Biography

Marcos Castro-Oliva, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, España

Certificate of Higher Education Administration and Finance (I.E.S. Juan de Lucena) 2017, Bachelor in Economics (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos) 2022, Master´s Degree in Economics (Universidad Francisco Marroquin) Currently. 


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How to Cite

Castro-Oliva, M. (2022). Capital-based macroeconomics: his main contributions, extensions and developments . Semestre Económico, 11(2), 49–75.



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